
Changes since CMSSW_7_1_12:

compare to previous

  1. 6549 from @eavdeeva: merged Scenario of TrackerCSA14+LS1BPixRepair was added alca created: 2014-11-21 18:43:55 merged: 2014-12-09 16:53:08

  2. 6472 from @hroskes: Backport of #6429: Fix errors from using published datasets alca created: 2014-11-18 13:42:29 merged: 2014-12-09 16:48:00

  3. 6558 from @scasasso: fix to run Z->mumu alignment validation alca created: 2014-11-22 16:31:16 merged: 2014-12-09 16:47:49

  4. 6591 from @mkirsano: add cross section info to the HepMC record produced by pythia6 generators created: 2014-11-25 15:52:06 merged: 2014-12-09 16:47:38

  5. 6816 from @bendavid: set the error of cross section for Pythia8 generators created: 2014-12-08 02:45:35 merged: 2014-12-09 16:46:46

  6. 6795 from @civanch: added shifted beamspot operations simulation created: 2014-12-05 11:16:55 merged: 2014-12-09 16:44:42

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_7_1_12/slc6_amd64_gcc481 and REL/CMSSW_7_1_12_patch1/slc6_amd64_gcc481:

compare to previous