
Changes since CMSSW_7_4_2_patch1:

compare to previous

  1. 9247 from @davidlange6: protect against a missing L1 GT dqm created: 2015-05-23 12:30:18 merged: 2015-05-23 15:50:16

  2. 9240 from @slava77: Put some order in old MF configs; asymptotic default will be (same as #9239 ) operations created: 2015-05-22 16:13:15 merged: 2015-05-23 15:50:01

  3. 9212 from @dmitrijus: Minor improvement for DQM/PhysicsHWW. dqm created: 2015-05-21 18:05:20 merged: 2015-05-22 14:17:44

  4. 9176 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT updates on top of what is in CMSSW742 hlt created: 2015-05-20 14:52:25 merged: 2015-05-22 14:13:07

  5. 9220 from @lveldere: Bug fix: undo fix of ConversionTracks in case of gen-mixing (74X) fastsim created: 2015-05-22 07:58:35 merged: 2015-05-22 14:12:22

  6. 9229 from @davidlange6: Option to remove hwwdqm dqm operations created: 2015-05-22 10:15:54 merged: 2015-05-22 14:11:53

  7. 8953 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT updates on top of 741 with FastSim for 74X fastsim hlt operations created: 2015-05-04 17:53:29 merged: 2015-05-22 06:35:38

  8. 9181 from @wmtan: Backport secondary input source improvements from 7_5_X core created: 2015-05-20 19:20:36 merged: 2015-05-22 06:34:37

  9. 8653 from @lveldere: Fastsim 74X: fix truth matching for recoTracks from PU events reconstruction simulation created: 2015-04-03 12:44:57 merged: 2015-05-22 06:33:32

  10. 9090 from @cfmcginn: Moved * to * for inclusion into HLT and confdb (backport from 75 pr) reconstruction created: 2015-05-14 16:22:19 merged: 2015-05-21 20:22:04

  11. 9211 from @lveldere: FastSim 74X: remove FastSim specific collections from AODSIM fastsim created: 2015-05-21 17:54:41 merged: 2015-05-21 20:18:57

  12. 9108 from @fcavallo: fix FEDIDmin/max initialization dqm created: 2015-05-15 14:33:56 merged: 2015-05-21 14:43:30

  13. 9187 from @cms-btv-pog: Protection for pt=0 ghost candidates in jet flavor clustering (74X) analysis created: 2015-05-21 00:09:42 merged: 2015-05-21 14:38:49

  14. 9205 from @Dr15Jones: Make 10MB the default stack size for additional threads core created: 2015-05-21 14:25:08 merged: 2015-05-21 14:38:37

  15. 9151 from @HuguesBrun: fix muon HLT DQM for tk muon (backport in 74X) dqm created: 2015-05-19 12:14:52 merged: 2015-05-20 18:37:18

  16. 9164 from @mengleisun: fix the calibration DQM configuration dqm created: 2015-05-19 21:22:22 merged: 2015-05-20 18:36:57

  17. 9006 from @emanueledimarco: Use of full5x5 cluster shapes to compute the MVA, read gzipped xml files analysis created: 2015-05-08 13:19:39 merged: 2015-05-20 15:12:49

  18. 8677 from @bmarzocc: 7_4_X_alcarecostream_nophisym alca operations pdmv created: 2015-04-08 06:53:57 merged: 2015-05-20 15:05:38

  19. 8056 from @cms-btv-pog: Switch by default to new flavour tool based on Hadrons. Update of exampl… dqm created: 2015-03-04 08:58:52 merged: 2015-05-20 15:03:20

  20. 8124 from @rjwang: add plots of wire group and strip numbers for all chambers dqm created: 2015-03-06 18:12:05 merged: 2015-05-20 15:03:06

  21. 8152 from @fruboes: DQM plots for jet triggers in lowPU runs dqm created: 2015-03-09 12:25:38 merged: 2015-05-20 15:02:53

  22. 8210 from @ndaci: Added Dxy plots (only for electron/muon at this moment) (Backport from 75X) dqm created: 2015-03-11 19:45:08 merged: 2015-05-20 15:02:42

  23. 8573 from @jingyucms: Histograms for L1T Stage1 dqm created: 2015-03-27 17:29:13 merged: 2015-05-20 15:02:32

  24. 8730 from @acimmino: RPC DQM Fix for summary plots and DCS bit in 74X dqm created: 2015-04-14 15:19:03 merged: 2015-05-20 15:01:58

  25. 8904 from @lveldere: Fastsim: 74X premixing fastsim operations pdmv simulation created: 2015-04-28 19:39:35 merged: 2015-05-20 15:01:42

  26. 8937 from @aelwood: Updated the alphaT paths for the DQM modules dqm created: 2015-05-01 21:15:48 merged: 2015-05-20 15:01:26

  27. 8972 from @hdelanno: Cleaned unused config parameters in Strip DQM for 7_4_X dqm created: 2015-05-06 14:45:39 merged: 2015-05-20 15:01:15

  28. 9021 from @jmduarte: updating razor HLT paths for SUSY DQM in 74X dqm created: 2015-05-08 23:11:12 merged: 2015-05-20 15:00:57

  29. 9029 from @cbernet: Heppy 74X integration analysis created: 2015-05-11 07:49:26 merged: 2015-05-20 15:00:46

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_7_4_2_patch1/slc6_amd64_gcc491 and REL/CMSSW_7_4_3/slc6_amd64_gcc491:

compare to previous

  1. 1570 from @smuzaffar: updated root commit to include the LorentzVector fix 09b7416ea111be6651790d346294572b82c59a24 created: 2015-05-21 09:32:25 merged: 2015-05-21 09:32:29

  2. 1568 from @cms-sw: Update root to commit cms-sw/root@8fdd98 7_4_X created: 2015-05-21 09:17:41 merged: 2015-05-21 09:17:52