
Changes since CMSSW_14_0_0_pre0:

compare to previous

  1. 43376 from @aandvalenzuela: [ALCA] Remove explicit assignment operator in favor of the compiler-generated one alca trk created: 2023-11-23 17:06:38 merged: 2023-11-24 17:41:57

  2. 43361 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx358 First version of the ZDC simulation geometry which can work for the Run3 geometry geometry created: 2023-11-22 15:24:52 merged: 2023-11-23 21:59:39

  3. 43359 from @mmusich: add L1TUtmTriggerMenu_PayloadInspector and related unit tests l1 db created: 2023-11-22 14:41:51 merged: 2023-11-23 21:57:53

  4. 43356 from @trackreco: [MkFit] Remove commented-out code, follow up to #43146 reconstruction tracking created: 2023-11-22 13:16:16 merged: 2023-11-23 21:29:05

  5. 43355 from @swagata87: Apply HCal noise thresholds to HCal detector-based isolation of electrons reconstruction egamma created: 2023-11-22 08:05:24 merged: 2023-11-23 21:50:46

  6. 43353 from @slava77: Update displacedRegional baseline workflow .701 pdmv upgrade created: 2023-11-22 02:36:20 merged: 2023-11-22 13:49:06

  7. 43350 from @leonardogiannini: [mkFit] Apply material effects after error propagation reconstruction tracking created: 2023-11-21 21:28:26 merged: 2023-11-22 13:46:40

  8. 43343 from @cms-tsg-storm: Moving HLT development to 13_3 hlt created: 2023-11-21 14:31:47 merged: 2023-11-22 13:15:23

  9. 43342 from @smuzaffar: Fixes needed for UB/ASANXX builds alca core reconstruction db created: 2023-11-21 11:35:30 merged: 2023-11-22 13:44:33

  10. 43340 from @mmusich: update to get DAQ mapping from conditions DB reconstruction created: 2023-11-21 07:48:18 merged: 2023-11-22 13:12:51

  11. 43337 from @makortel: Remove explicit assignment operator from edm::View core created: 2023-11-20 16:34:25 merged: 2023-11-22 13:43:20

  12. 43335 from @aandvalenzuela: [SIMULATION] Fix DEVEL warnings on deprecated copy-constructors simulation created: 2023-11-20 14:58:04 merged: 2023-11-22 13:40:04

  13. 43332 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca248 Extend one more momentum bin to be studied in the calibration using isolated charged hadrons alca created: 2023-11-20 12:19:35 merged: 2023-11-22 13:36:40

  14. 43330 from @mmusich: follow-up to #43094, remove HLT tracking and vertexing validation harvesting from phase-2 modifier dqm tracking created: 2023-11-20 09:39:46 merged: 2023-11-22 13:35:10

  15. 43328 from @Dr15Jones: Fix tracer log viewer issue with callID core created: 2023-11-19 14:13:43 merged: 2023-11-20 14:46:45

  16. 43327 from @missirol: Add HLT-Scouting collections to MINIAOD event content (follow-up of #42863) hlt operations created: 2023-11-18 18:36:14 merged: 2023-11-20 14:32:17

  17. 43324 from @missirol: Do not use size() - 1 in HLTL1TMatchedJetsVBFFilter hlt created: 2023-11-18 11:42:40 merged: 2023-11-18 16:07:06

  18. 43321 from @civanch: [14_0_X SIM] Replace deprecated method simulation created: 2023-11-17 20:50:37 merged: 2023-11-20 14:46:01

  19. 43320 from @smuzaffar: cleanup classlib string List/Format usage dqm created: 2023-11-17 16:45:39 merged: 2023-11-20 14:45:36

  20. 43316 from @aandvalenzuela: [XPOG][RECO] Fix DEVEL warnings on deprecated copy-constructors reconstruction xpog created: 2023-11-17 15:42:55 merged: 2023-11-20 14:42:54

  21. 43315 from @iarspider: Remove explicit copy-constructor from TotemTimingDigi reconstruction simulation created: 2023-11-17 15:01:46 merged: 2023-11-20 14:39:52

  22. 43313 from @iarspider: Fix array-bounds warning in DTMuonMillepede alca created: 2023-11-17 11:16:32 merged: 2023-11-20 14:39:16

  23. 43311 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim153 Reorganize the codes relevant to forward detectors among Calo and Forward projects in SimG4CMS simulation created: 2023-11-17 10:15:52 merged: 2023-11-20 14:38:51

  24. 43306 from @lathomas: L1FinalOR decision in BX-1 and -2 in NANOAOD xpog created: 2023-11-16 20:55:10 merged: 2023-11-24 17:40:49

  25. 43303 from @iarspider: [CalibFormats] Remove explicit copy-assignment operator alca trk created: 2023-11-16 15:17:29 merged: 2023-11-17 15:00:16

  26. 43300 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_2_X (5/N) [14_0_X] hlt operations created: 2023-11-16 12:38:31 merged: 2023-11-17 15:43:35

  27. 43298 from @makortel: Allow Alpaka ESProducer to produce a ‘null’ data product heterogeneous created: 2023-11-15 22:28:39 merged: 2023-11-17 14:59:45

  28. 43296 from @makortel: Print the labels of ConditionalTask modules that are not consumed in any of the associated Paths core created: 2023-11-15 20:38:18 merged: 2023-11-22 13:33:24

  29. 43295 from @PixelTracksAlpaka: Pixel Alpaka Migration: Portable Product [II] reconstruction heterogeneous tracking created: 2023-11-15 17:37:17 merged: 2023-11-24 15:46:43

  30. 43291 from @mmusich: add verbose option to BeamSpotRcdPrinter and use it in the unit tests alca db tracking created: 2023-11-15 13:25:51 merged: 2023-11-18 13:22:04

  31. 43284 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim152 Restore the Run1 code for ZDC hit production using a library parametrisation which can be switched on through parameter setting simulation created: 2023-11-15 08:46:44 merged: 2023-11-17 14:46:49

  32. 43283 from @yuanchao: Remove try/catch clause in castor analyzer alca created: 2023-11-15 03:21:05 merged: 2023-11-17 14:46:18

  33. 43282 from @yuanchao: remove try/catch clause on accessing vertex collection alca trk created: 2023-11-15 01:29:50 merged: 2023-11-20 14:38:36

  34. 43281 from @ericcano: SoA fixes (2nd round): fix and add broken / missing SoA (const) row-to-row assignment. heterogeneous created: 2023-11-14 22:35:41 merged: 2023-11-17 14:45:49

  35. 43279 from @wddgit: Delete references to legacy module types in DQM. dqm l1 created: 2023-11-14 21:10:54 merged: 2023-11-17 14:45:04

  36. 43278 from @NJManganelli: Phase 2 GTT TrackVertexAssociation Firmware limit l1 upgrade created: 2023-11-14 19:56:31 merged: 2023-11-22 13:30:04

  37. 43277 from @wddgit: Delete alca legacy module types, cleanup alca db created: 2023-11-14 19:41:52 merged: 2023-11-17 14:44:49

  38. 43275 from @Prasant1993: Add Correct EGM Run3 electron NonIso MVA ID for EB reconstruction egamma created: 2023-11-14 17:10:19 merged: 2023-11-17 11:01:25

  39. 43274 from @Dr15Jones: Change Sonic to use ExternalFailure exception heterogeneous created: 2023-11-14 17:00:17 merged: 2023-11-16 23:31:04

  40. 43273 from @civanch: [14_0_X SIM] Allowed MT mode for RHStopTracer of R-hadron simulation simulation created: 2023-11-14 16:22:33 merged: 2023-11-15 20:51:06

  41. 43272 from @depasse: ECAL : DB PayloadInspector improvement db ecal created: 2023-11-14 16:17:11 merged: 2023-11-17 14:44:35

  42. 43271 from @aloeliger: Add L1 Upgrade Workflow: 0.78 pdmv upgrade created: 2023-11-14 15:53:51 merged: 2023-11-22 13:28:06

  43. 43270 from @aandvalenzuela: [RECO] Fix DEVEL warnings on deprecated copy-constructors reconstruction created: 2023-11-14 15:13:50 merged: 2023-11-17 14:44:14

  44. 43269 from @smuzaffar: Fix testCSCTriggerMapping test: avoid reading invalid data e.g empty line alca db created: 2023-11-14 15:06:01 merged: 2023-11-17 14:43:54

  45. 43268 from @aandvalenzuela: [ALIGNMENT] Fix DEVEL warnings on deprecated copy-constructors alca trk created: 2023-11-14 15:00:13 merged: 2023-11-17 14:41:15

  46. 43267 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim151 Modify the run script for the SIM step to get hits in the ZDC simulation created: 2023-11-14 13:46:23 merged: 2023-11-20 14:38:01

  47. 43266 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx357 Allow RPD reconstruction geometry to be instantiation using a Modifier flag geometry operations simulation created: 2023-11-14 10:21:03 merged: 2023-11-15 21:09:42

  48. 43265 from @francescobrivio: Fix BeamSpotRcdRead_cfg and add unitTest alca db tracking created: 2023-11-14 09:26:44 merged: 2023-11-17 14:44:20

  49. 43263 from @wddgit: Avoid unnecessary Framework delays closing luminosity blocks (simple version) core created: 2023-11-13 22:03:35 merged: 2023-11-20 14:37:48

  50. 43262 from @Dr15Jones: Added between Event callbacks to Tracer log file core created: 2023-11-13 21:35:28 merged: 2023-11-17 14:40:27

  51. 43261 from @Dominic-Stafford: Add relval for Herwig Matchbox generators pdmv upgrade created: 2023-11-13 18:08:12 merged: 2023-11-22 13:21:07

  52. 43259 from @fabiocos: MTD validation: add plugin to monitor impact of MTD on electron isolation dqm simulation created: 2023-11-13 16:59:49 merged: 2023-11-17 14:39:13

  53. 43253 from @maxgalli: Revert decrease of precision introduced in ea3f693d xpog created: 2023-11-13 12:24:19 merged: 2023-11-16 15:08:01

  54. 43252 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx349A Correct DDHGCalMixRotatedCassette code by eliminating an unwanted statement in the DDD and Dd4hep versions geometry upgrade created: 2023-11-13 09:57:01 merged: 2023-11-14 15:49:08

  55. 43250 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx349 Modify the material budget script to enable obtaining material budget plots for HFNose dqm geometry created: 2023-11-12 10:56:37 merged: 2023-11-14 15:48:48

  56. 43249 from @michael-pitt: PPS y alignment fix alca created: 2023-11-11 11:42:33 merged: 2023-11-24 17:37:32

  57. 43247 from @iasonkrom: Add CaloIdL_MW seeded filter and split the legs of CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL filter on nanoAOD filterBits xpog egamma created: 2023-11-10 15:34:41 merged: 2023-11-17 14:02:07

  58. 43244 from @civanch: [13_3_0] SIM: fixed ZDC simulation simulation created: 2023-11-10 10:27:48 merged: 2023-11-13 14:13:16

  59. 43243 from @civanch: [SIM] Fixed ZDC simulation simulation created: 2023-11-09 19:25:02 merged: 2023-11-10 14:50:42

  60. 43237 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx356 Include the updated XML file for ZDC to the 2023 scenario for CMS geometry upgrade created: 2023-11-09 14:44:25 merged: 2023-11-17 14:36:22

  61. 43234 from @depasse: ECAL : DB PayloadInspector modification db ecal created: 2023-11-09 14:16:59 merged: 2023-11-13 14:12:46

  62. 43232 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca247 Update the macro which has analyzed momentum dependence in the extraction of depth-dependent correction factors using isolated charged hadrons alca created: 2023-11-09 12:31:23 merged: 2023-11-10 14:50:07

  63. 43229 from @jsamudio: Add Alpaka Process Modifier operations created: 2023-11-09 01:38:58 merged: 2023-11-15 21:13:17

  64. 43226 from @perrotta: Add PPS DAQ mapping to 13_3_X real data Run2 and Run3 GTs alca created: 2023-11-08 17:11:13 merged: 2023-11-17 14:34:57

  65. 43225 from @ericcano: Adds protection against name collision to SoA internal variables. heterogeneous created: 2023-11-08 15:40:54 merged: 2023-11-10 14:46:07

  66. 43223 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx355 Trying out the most recent zdc description in the setup geometry simulation created: 2023-11-08 12:03:55 merged: 2023-11-14 15:45:12

  67. 43220 from @igv4321: Ignoring raw channel ids in the unit test database dump comparison db created: 2023-11-07 18:45:20 merged: 2023-11-09 12:47:25

  68. 43219 from @fwyzard: Implement ROOT read rules for PortableHostCollection heterogeneous created: 2023-11-07 18:13:01 merged: 2023-11-10 14:44:42

  69. 43217 from @claytoniousfunk: Vertex smearing for PbPb MC based on 2023 PbPb data operations simulation created: 2023-11-07 14:53:54 merged: 2023-11-13 12:26:11

  70. 43216 from @rovere: Improve calo particle debugging simulation created: 2023-11-07 13:03:05 merged: 2023-11-10 14:43:48

  71. 43210 from @aloeliger: Phase 2 L1 cmsDriver/Menu Infrastructure l1 operations created: 2023-11-06 20:39:29 merged: 2023-11-09 16:20:04

  72. 43208 from @Dr15Jones: Add ActivityRegistry signals for between Events core created: 2023-11-06 20:07:52 merged: 2023-11-09 12:42:15

  73. 43205 from @fwyzard: Introduce new utilities for writing Alpaka kernels heterogeneous created: 2023-11-06 17:27:18 merged: 2023-11-15 21:04:15

  74. 43204 from @makortel: Make AlpakaTest tests to use their dependencies for controlling their execution, and extend module tests to ROCm. heterogeneous created: 2023-11-06 17:17:01 merged: 2023-11-10 14:41:27

  75. 43202 from @mteroerd: APE tool: Hit validation plots added alca trk created: 2023-11-06 15:37:05 merged: 2023-11-10 14:40:56

  76. 43200 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx354 Modify the DetId fo ZDC to accommodate the changes that happened during Run3 and some provision for the future geometry simulation created: 2023-11-06 14:46:45 merged: 2023-11-10 13:16:58

  77. 43198 from @Prasant1993: Add superclusterEta of photon in NANOAOD xpog created: 2023-11-06 11:09:15 merged: 2023-11-10 14:40:42

  78. 43197 from @francescobrivio: Add SimBeamSpotObject record to Run-1/2/3 MC GTs alca created: 2023-11-06 10:05:33 merged: 2023-11-10 13:06:26

  79. 43196 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx348C Update HGCSiliconDetId in view of adding a fourth type of wafer: high density but thicker geometry simulation upgrade created: 2023-11-06 09:56:20 merged: 2023-11-10 14:40:27

  80. 43177 from @martinamalberti: fix for tracks with two ETL hits and no time assigned reconstruction upgrade created: 2023-11-03 11:02:44 merged: 2023-11-10 14:39:36

  81. 43175 from @wddgit: Initial implementation of the FixMissingStreamerInfos service core created: 2023-11-02 22:11:14 merged: 2023-11-09 12:40:25

  82. 43174 from @Dr15Jones: Prototype web view of Tracer service information core created: 2023-11-02 17:33:50 merged: 2023-11-09 14:55:30

  83. 43158 from @cms-tau-pog: Implementation of DeepTau SONIC producers operations reconstruction created: 2023-10-31 14:39:00 merged: 2023-11-13 12:16:12

  84. 43157 from @iarspider-cmssw: Replace C-style array with std::array in HLTHPDFilter hlt created: 2023-10-31 13:50:04 merged: 2023-11-17 14:35:52

  85. 43150 from @lathomas: Adding L1 unprefirable bit for 1st bx in train xpog created: 2023-10-30 11:59:48 merged: 2023-11-10 14:39:21

  86. 43146 from @trackreco: [mkFit] Propagate to plane – technical changes to support further development reconstruction tracking created: 2023-10-29 10:44:17 merged: 2023-11-18 05:58:32

  87. 43144 from @nurfikri89: [JMENano] Fix GenJetIdx for AK4 jets matched to low pt genjets xpog created: 2023-10-29 06:32:41 merged: 2023-11-20 14:37:21

  88. 43141 from @mmusich: customize HLT offline DQM for Run3 PbPb and introduce HI 2023A relval workflow (with reHLT) dqm operations pdmv upgrade created: 2023-10-28 13:26:10 merged: 2023-11-09 12:32:36

  89. 43137 from @mmusich: migrate JetMETDQMDCSFilter to use DSCRecord dqm created: 2023-10-27 16:31:18 merged: 2023-11-10 13:03:31

  90. 43125 from @smuzaffar: Drop local copy of conifer.h in favor of conifer external l1 upgrade created: 2023-10-26 16:00:27 merged: 2023-11-10 13:11:50

  91. 43112 from @hgc-tpg: [HGCAL trigger] Additional cluster shape variables l1 upgrade created: 2023-10-25 13:42:43 merged: 2023-11-22 13:19:57

  92. 43065 from @battibass: Fixes/impovements towards the first production version of the custom muon DPG NANO pdmv upgrade xpog created: 2023-10-19 10:35:18 merged: 2023-11-22 13:18:00

  93. 43050 from @bfonta: Minor CLUE3D optimization reconstruction upgrade created: 2023-10-18 13:16:17 merged: 2023-11-14 15:43:57

  94. 43025 from @swagata87: Adapt PF code to read Hcal thresholds from GT hlt operations reconstruction pf created: 2023-10-16 10:47:51 merged: 2023-11-20 14:27:42

  95. 42990 from @dinyar: Fix ratio plot for uGT data-emulator mismatches dqm created: 2023-10-11 13:37:13 merged: 2023-11-14 15:43:09

  96. 42818 from @Michael-Krohn: ZDC trigger primitive emulation and HCAL look up table generation alca geometry l1 db created: 2023-09-19 04:18:03 merged: 2023-11-20 14:36:58

  97. 42711 from @CTPPS: PPS - RawToDigi update to handle mappings from CondDB alca dqm reconstruction ctpps created: 2023-09-04 16:35:53 merged: 2023-11-17 14:33:39

  98. 42664 from @CTPPS: PPS full simulation with beam spot information deom SimBeamSpotObjects simulation created: 2023-08-25 17:11:00 merged: 2023-11-17 14:32:13

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_14_0_0_pre0/el8_amd64_gcc12 and REL/CMSSW_14_0_0_pre1/el8_amd64_gcc12:

compare to previous

  1. 8834 from @cms-sw: [hls] Fix for uninitialized/maybe-uninitialized warnings created: 2023-11-23 14:09:39 merged: 2023-11-23 19:17:16

  2. 8833 from @cms-sw: [hepmc] Enable c++17 std and fix deprecated std::iterator warnings created: 2023-11-23 10:18:30 merged: 2023-11-23 21:30:30

  3. 8828 from @cms-sw: Update valgrind to 3.22 created: 2023-11-20 10:19:05 merged: 2023-11-22 08:13:53

  4. 8824 from @cms-sw: Update tag for RecoEgamma-ElectronIdentification to V01-13-00 created: 2023-11-17 10:58:56 merged: 2023-11-17 10:59:50

  5. 8820 from @cms-sw: Changes needed for ASAN/UBSAN ROOTX IBs created: 2023-11-15 12:57:46 merged: 2023-11-15 18:49:37

  6. 8819 from @davidlange6: add clang-uml for making class diagrams created: 2023-11-14 09:42:29 merged: 2023-11-15 18:48:43

  7. 8818 from @cms-sw: [BuildRules] Fix running alpaka-backend tests created: 2023-11-13 21:33:37 merged: 2023-11-13 21:34:20

  8. 8815 from @cms-sw: Update tag for RecoTauTag-TrainingFiles to V00-08-00 created: 2023-11-09 16:27:28 merged: 2023-11-13 12:16:50

  9. 8814 from @cms-sw: Update tag for IOPool-Input to V00-03-00 created: 2023-11-09 12:37:49 merged: 2023-11-09 12:38:58

  10. 8813 from @cms-sw: Update yaml-cpp.spec created: 2023-11-09 08:51:16 merged: 2023-11-10 12:39:14

  11. 8809 from @cms-sw: madgraph5amcatnlo: use external collier and ninja instead of downloading them created: 2023-11-07 08:45:56 merged: 2023-11-15 18:49:09

  12. 8807 from @cms-sw: [XRootD] Update t version 5.6.3 created: 2023-11-06 15:21:35 merged: 2023-11-10 12:38:42