[a] CMSSW code changes w.r.t 5.3.12.patch3 #894: Add mva electron id function for pat electrons. It was already in CVS HEAD #929: Improvements on DT validation histograms #991: New JECs. #1039: Added myPsi2sPhiKPS.dec myPsi2sKPS.dec for BPH #1046: Remove call to in #1051: Bugfix geometry comparison #1065: Add the skim matrix used for 53x legacy reReco of 2011 data #1073: TkMap scripts in synch in official CMSSW_53x #1075: Dataformats init commit on 5_3_X #1096, 1120: Cmssw two pythia8 #1107: Calibration 4 grin #1117: Isolation for boosted taus #1178: Cmssw two pythia8 add #1183: 53X Data Processing
[b] External Tools cgal: Created a new scram tool cgalimageio to avoid libSM dependency pythia8-175: New Pythia8 version also available along with old version 153